Gentlemen: Here are the final guideleines for your blogs and portfolios:
#6- N175 Critical Reflection for your Blogs: 150-200 words
Write a short essay on what skills you have learned in 175 (reading, writing, listening) during this term, how you have improved, and how you feel these skills will help you in your chosen area of study (engineering, business, medicine), and your profession.
Final N175 requirements for Blogs and Portfolios:
Blogs: Due Thursday, 2 June
2 x line graphs (title + graph 1 or 2) Ex: ‘Workers to Dubai – graph1
2 x arguments (title + argument 1 or 2)
#5 mobile phones - argument
#6 personal reflection
Portfolios: Due Sunday, 29 May
2 x line graphs = Written (corrected) + Typed (corrected) + new final
2 x arguments = Written (corrected) + Typed (corrected) + new final
= 12 total sheets plus cover page.
Good luck in all your future endeavors!!
The Fox