Everest Base Camp

Everest Base Camp
Top of the World

Saturday, March 5, 2011

N175 Writing guidelines

N175 Writing Guidelines:

1. All in-class writing done by hand must be checked once (by me).
2. Re-typed writing must be checked at least once before posting on your blog.
3. One copy of the original writing and one copy of the typed corrections must be presented in your portfolio when the blogs are graded to check your work.
4. Do not post your writings to the blog until they have been checked 2 times! Otherwise, your blog post will not receive credit (= no points).

175 Writing list- up to the Progress test 1:
1. Bar chart: University students (with pie chart)
2. Cause/ Effect: UAE Marriage Fund
3. Pie chart: UK leisure spending
4. Problem/ Solution: Obesity (or traffic accidents)
5. Tables:
6. Problem Solution:
7. Graphs:

Check your blogs and keep them up to date. Plus, keep the original writings for your portfolio.


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